affordance for memory (PENETRABLE SUIT 1) 2024 custom air-force army undergarment, thermoplastic mold, conch shell, media player, airphones 80 cm × 147 cm × 42 cm
as this massive hole that we share (PENETRABLE SUIT 2) 2024 custom air-force army undergarment, thermoplastic mold, conch shell, media player, airphones 100 cm × 51 cm × 107 cm
Marko Gutić Mižimakov is a visual, performance and text based artist living between Brussels and Zagreb. They are interested in shaping sensory materials through intimate, collaborative and social processes. In their work bodies, as well as digital and palpable objects, are animated, choreographed and sung into non-orientable forms via different media and processes of translation. Often borrowing from queer science fiction they see their work as a speculative technology of mutual transformation. They have an MA in Animated Film and New Media from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. From May 2022 until September 2023 they were an artistic researcher at a.pass. Currently they are an adjunct faculty member at Paris College of Art in the department of Transdisciplinary New Media. Their works have been exhibited, screened and performed at The Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb, Beursschouwburg Brussels, V2 Institute for Unstable Media Rotterdam, Ostrale Biennale Dresden, Antimatter BC, City Museum of Ljubljana, The Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje, D2 Kunstraum Leipzig, Galerija Močvara Zagreb, Galerija Nova Zagreb etc.